A passion for creating meaningful value through incisive learning.


An acknowledged Emotional Intelligence expert who cuts through the psychobabble.


An unswerving focus on delivering results that last, quickly and easily.



A recognised expert in Emotional Intelligence, Scott is foremost a Board level executive coach to clients across the world.

Alongside his coaching responsibilities, Scott is a popular keynote speaker as well as Founder and Managing Director of niche leadership development consultancy, Summit.

Clients include leading global brands, government departments, military and education institutions.

Author of the book 'Win Every Time - Essential Lessons For Existing and Emerging Leaders', Scott's approach is heavily endorsed by business leaders and eminent academics.



Having enjoyed a successful 12-year career with a leading UK bank, Scott was frustrated by the lack of accountability demonstrated by external HR Development consultancies when appointed to deliver 'business critical' projects.

High fees partnered a low commitment to actually transferring knowledge, skills and expertise.  Fee generation appeared to override developing a self-reliant client.

Scott decided he could do better than many of the consultancies the bank hired.  So, he told his Managing Director 'If I haven't left in six months, get rid of me.'

Scott left the relatively secure employment of the bank, the benefits, the nice salary four months later and launched Summit.  24 years on, Summit thrives.  The bank went on to be one of Scott's clients.

"Scott Watson clearly understands how leaders and managers actually learn to improve."

Professor John Thompson,
The University of Huddersfield

"I highly recommend Scott Watson.  His workshops always receive great feedback.  He is always a pleasure to work with."

 Sharon Pegg,
Group Inclusion & Diversity Lead, The Co-operative Group

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You're welcome to get in touch with a member of Scott's team to enquire or arrange a chat with Scott.

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