Emotional Intelligence Training for Teachers
May 24, 2024We continue to receive regular requests to deliver Emotional Intelligence training for teachers. The increased interest in developing more emotionally intelligent teachers in schools stems from the evolving nature of how students conduct themselves, communicate, engage with their learning, peers and teachers, and manage themselves.
In the classroom setting, the teacher is the formal leader. How s/he communicates and impacts students directly impacts the students' willingness to engage on an emotional level. Whilst the teacher cannot influence and control everything that happens during class, what they can influence and control is the emotional climate of the classroom.
The emotional state of the teacher before the class significantly impacts the emotional climate detected by students, both individually and collectively. If the teacher shows up frustrated, agitated or even angry, students will likely detect this. Learning is impacted.
Do bear in mind that students' have their own expectations of what constitutes 'good teaching' and 'what's right and wrong', 'good and bad'. Each brings their own history, experiences, biases and standards to school. When there's a mismatch, issues can arise. When there's consistency from the teacher, clear boundaries, consequences for operating outside the the clear boundary, as well as consequences for operating within it, life becomes easier. Learning and collaborating become more enjoyable.
To find out more about Emotional Intelligence training for teachers, get in touch.
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