Management Training Courses Online

management training May 26, 2024
management training course online

If you're looking for a management training course online, this might just be the solution for you.

The People Manager Essentials online course is packed with more than 30 bite-size video tutorials covering a vast range of people management skills, tools and principles.

Designed to be valuable for both new managers and established managers who haven't yet benefited from learning a proven, practical and predictable approach to management, as the course is self paced, you can dip in to the different subject areas, modules and lessons as you wish to.  All you need is a mobile device and wifi access, and off you go.

Course content includes:-

  1. How to manage yourself more effectively.
  2. How to manage your time, focus and priorities better.
  3. How to delegate effectively and maintain quality.
  4. Motivation and Engagement.
  5. Emotional Intelligence skills for managers.
  6. Essential communication skills.
  7. How to get the best value from meetings.
  8. How to develop a right first time, on time, every time standard.
  9. How to prepare for and facilitate a crucial conversation.
  10. AND MUCH MORE....

For more details on how you can access the online management training course, click here.

The People Manager Essentials Academy course is presented by Scott Watson.


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