Leadership Training Course in Liverpool - Feedback

May 27, 2024

Leadership Training in Liverpool for a team of senior leaders was an immersive experience for the group of senior leaders at a market-leading utilities company.

The two day leadership training course, designed and facilitated by Scott Watson attracted wonderful feedback from the client's project sponsor.  

'Our management team, including myself, consists of technical specialists who are passionate about our roles and eager to deliver optimal value for our company. We did understand just how vital it is to learn how to partner technical competence with emotional intelligence skills that could equip, enable and actively encourage our teams to perform even more effectively, and enjoy the journey too.

Based on my personal experience of learning with Scott Watson I can highly recommend his company for value focused, immersive and meaningful leadership development training, which is also very enjoyable.'

UK HR Manager
Veolia Industries Global Solutions

 Key learning focus areas for the leadership training programme included how to:-

  • Develop key Emotional Intelligence competencies and skills.
  • Use Solution Focused Thinking approaches to solve complex problems.
  • Partner collaborative, cross team working with silo focused working.
  • Develop more open and authentic dialogue across the leadership team.
  • Boost personal impact to match specific workplace situations.
  • Develop a right first time, on time, every time quality focus.

To learn more about how your organisation and leaders can benefit from a leadership training course with Scott Watson, click here.

Leadership Training courses are available throughout the United Kingdom and Europe.



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