Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders
May 25, 2024Mental Health Awareness training courses have become popular since the UK's Lockdown periods.
Unfortunately, there has been a jump on the bandwagon effect for a number of corporate training companies who saw Mental Health Awareness training more as a financial opportunity than an opportunity to deliver meaningful learning for trusting participants.
Emotional Intelligence expert Scott Watson was appointed by Lloyds Banking Group's Mental Health Lead, Martin Roberts, to facilitate virtual learning for more than 200 employees. The focus being how to easily apply elements of Emotional Intelligence to create more choices in how to manage self, deal with setbacks more proactively and communicate more impactfuly in high pressure situations.
The video feedback reflects the quality of learning the bank's employees enjoyed.
If your organisation is seeking a credible learning partner for Mental Health Awareness and Emotional Intelligence, why not get in touch with Scott's team?
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