What Is the Best Emotional Intelligence Certification? emotional intelligence training eq-i 2.0 certification training May 28, 2024

In an increasingly emotionally demanding world, the ability to understand and manage emotions, both our own and those of others, has never been more crucial.

Emotional intelligence (EI) has become...

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Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders emotional intelligence training May 25, 2024

Mental Health Awareness training courses have become popular since the UK's Lockdown periods. 

Unfortunately, there has been a jump on the bandwagon effect for a number of corporate training...

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Emotional Intelligence Training for Teachers emotional intelligence training May 24, 2024

We continue to receive regular requests to deliver Emotional Intelligence training for teachers.  The increased interest in developing more emotionally intelligent teachers in schools stems...

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Emotional Intelligence Certification Training emotional intelligence training May 24, 2024

An increasing number of HR leaders and executive coaches are investing in becoming certified EQ-i 2.0 Practitioners.

Why?  Simple really.

The recent organisational focus on the need for and...

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